Cześć, my name is Mila, I am a French volunteer in Krakow from the IntegrART project.
I’ve always liked to talk about social issue with relatives and friends, even though it can be a risky task. This is how the idea of “Plan B” was born.
Once a month, with a special guest, I will focus on multiple topics ranging from ecology, migration, feminism, mental health, creativity and much more. Let’s open the debate and give each other tools and strategies so that we can go from speaking about it to acting on it. Let’s question what we know because there is always another way of looking at things. There is always a Plan B. We will tackle social issues by looking at national and local initiatives as well as activists’ works.
“Plan B”, it’s all this… and the music of course !
Audycja jest współfinansowana przez Unię Europejską. Odbywa się w ramach IntegrART vol. 7 (projektu realizowanego w ramach Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności).